December 17, 2018

Abbreviations in Data Science

Jargon/Abbreviations in Data Science/Data Analysis

AI  - Artificial Intelligence
ML - Machine Learning
DL - Deep Learning
SL - Supervised Learning
UL - Unsupervised Learning
RL - Reinforcement Learning

NN - Neural Networks
ANN - Artificial Neural Networks
CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks
DNN - Deep Neural Networks
RNN - Recurrent Neural Networks

KNN - K-nearest neighbors
CART - Classification And Regression Trees
CHAID - Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector
LM - Linear Model
GLM - Generalized Linear Model
Lasso - Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
SVM - Support Vector Machines
KSVM - Kernel Support Vector Machines
PCA - Principal Component Analysis
Bagging - Bootstrapped Aggregation
MCMC - Markov Chain Monte Carlo
EM - Expectation Maximisation
SGD - Stochastic Gradient Descent
SRM - Structural Risk Minimization
TPU - Tensor Processing Unit
LDA - Latent Dirichlet allocation
HAC - Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering
SLC - Single Linkage Cluster
DT - Decision Trees
RF - Random Forest

EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis
NLP - Natural Language Processing
NLG - Natural Language Generation
NLU - Natural Language Understanding
NLTK - Natural Language Toolkit

AIC - Akaike Information Criteria
BIC - Bayesian Information Criterion
VIF - Variance Inflation Factor
OLS - Ordinary Least Squares
SE - Standard Error
MSE - Mean Squared Error
RMSE - Root Mean Squared Error
RSS - Residual Sum of Squares
TSS - Total Sum of Squares
RSE  - Residual Square Error
ROC - Receiver Operating Characteristics
AUC - Area Under Curve
PSI - Population Stability Index
WOE - Weight of Evidence
IV - Information Value
ReLU - Rectified Linear Unit
OOB error - out-of-bag error
iid - independent identically distributed
DSC - Dice similarity coefficient [or] Sørensen–Dice coefficient
RBF - Radial Basis Function

AR - AutoRegressive
MA - Moving Average
ARMA - AutoRegressive Moving Average
ARIMA - AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average
ACF - AutoCorrelation Function
PACF - Partial AutoCorrelation Function
MAPE - Mean Absolute Percentage Error
ADF - Augmented Dickey-Fuller
KPSS - Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin

MAR - Missing at Random
MCAR - Missing Completely at Random
MNAR - Missing Not at Random
NMAR - Not Missing at Random
ANOVA - Analysis Of Variance
ANCOVA - Analysis of Covariance
IQR - Interquartile Range
PAC - Probably Approximately Correct

CRISP-DM - Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining

SAS - Statistical Analysis System
SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

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